Wednesday, 10 April 2013

get excited!: essie "resort" summer 2013 collection

(From left to right: Under Where?, Come Here!, First Timer, In the Cab-ana) 

It seems like all I do is get excited about nail varnish collections coming out. Seeing as that is no issue with  me, without further ado- let's talk Essie.

Essie's collections are always something that I see and think "I most definitely do not need any of those", then end up buying two. At least. This collection is called the Resort collection, and my my my, is it not a Summer-themed corker!

So the names aren't too Summery. In fact, i can see pretty much no relation between the names and the "Resort" title of the collection, but regardless of the obscure naming, these colours have got me all excited. Under Where looks almost unfairly similar to Barry M's Berry Ice Cream, so i'd suggest saving yourself £5  if you're really dying for this muted lilac / pink colour by buying the Barry M offering.
Under Where? will almost definitely be joining my nail varnish collection. It's a neon coral with a glossy finish (as all these polishes apparently do). It's pretty much Summer in a bottle.
First Timer reminds me of Where's My Chauffeur? from the Winter collection, which i already own, so this is a no-no for me. Nonetheless, it's a pretty turquoise green, seemingly a lot more neon than the aforementioned Where's My Chauffeur?
Lastly is the one which I need. In the Cab-ana is a neon blue, the kind of blue you would imagine a paradise sea to be. I'm infatuated. And blue nail varnish is practically my kryptonite. I leave entire collections of pretty glitters or the latest in nail polish gimmicks- but show me an aquamarine or a pastel cornflower blue and i'm waving my money in the air shouting "ME NEXT! ME!"

Well, not quite. But you get the gist.

Essie polishes are typically priced at £7.99 each.

What do you think of the collection? Anything you'll be picking up?


  1. It seems all I do is get excited about nail varnish collections too, so I loved this post haha!

    They're all really nice summery colours, but I'll most definitely be picking up that lovely turquoise green one soon! :)

    1. definitely! i've literally become addicted to buying blue nail polishes, i have about 4 that are quite literally the same but i can't stop:P


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