Monday 20 February 2012

Leapyear Lucy?

I'm so sorry i haven't done a review in a few days, i'm taking some pictures tomorrow morning of manymany things for you all to gander at! 
Anyway, as recently i've been deviating a little from my whole beauty blogging shabang, i thought i'd mention something. In arouuuuund 9 days time, i will have so many things to review it'll be unreal. Why? You ask..
Which i'm super excited about- not least because it's my first actual birthday in 4 years. Because, kiddas, the 29th February is a leapyear! 
Being me, and already knowing most things which parents have bought me, i can tell you know- i shall be occupied for weeks/months. There is that much there! 
SO, this pointless little post is basically saying sorry, but there are much better things to come! 


I read all your comments, they make my day!