Wednesday 14 August 2013

& all the other boys

It's happened again!
A wild Lucy appeared, tail between legs apologising for, once again, being missing in action- but this time, i have a good reason- I swear.
Alot has shifted in my life recently, which has been extremely exciting and has put me in a really good place emotionally. I've a new boyfriend (maybe more on that in a few months), received a fair amount of good news, had my faith in myself and what I can achieve restored, and somewhere along the way hit puberty all over again.
The last part may confuse you, but I lost a significant amount of weight quite quickly, and due to that, my body seems to have rebooted itself and i've been growing and shrinking like nobody's business (read- clothes too big, bras too small).
I have a post lined up about my new hair (i am ginger no more!), and where I got it done / reviewing the salon, so stay tuned for that!

Currently reading: 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher


  1. Hi :) I just came across your blog and I already love it!
    Not sure if you've already been nominated for a Libester award but I thought I'd extend some blog love your way -

    Looking forward to seeing updates from you!

    Megan xx


I read all your comments, they make my day!